Two fabulous decades which saw an out-pouring of musical creativity from both sides of the Atlantic
For those who were not around for these two marvellous decades, it is very difficult to get across to them just what a fantastic time it was. Not only musically, but socially and politically too. Many of you will recall that it really all began with 4 boys from Liverpool. Of whom, there is, surprisingly, not one song on this page. Don't be alarmed though, I intend to devote a whole separate page to the Beatles later. For now, let us remember some of that great music.
The songs can be viewed below:
Let it Bleed
Right down the line
Do you believe in magic?
The Crying Game
Ain't got no money
Go West
My Aphrodisiac is you
I guess that's why they call it the blues
I'll be there
Shine silently
Different Drum
Oh Lori
This masquerade
Don't play that song