
This page gives you access to some very old (and very good) songs from the 1920s - 30s and 40s

Music Hall 007.jpg

I began entertaining the elderly with songs from the American songbook, which of course, included a lot of swing numbers. It took me some time to realise that these songs are really not universally popular in this country, witnessed, I suppose,  by the number of UK crooners who have upped and left for America. That said, I do realise there are many of your residents, particularly those who enjoyed dancing as youngsters who cannot fail to appreciate this music. So for them - here we are:

The songs can be viewed below:

The way you look tonight

Pennies from Heaven

Oh! look at me now

September in the Rain


They can't take that away from me

Lullaby of Birdland

Meditation (Bossa Nova)


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